Kingston Section
- 6.5 miles
- 2 to 3 hours
- 30 minutes to 1 hour
- Dog-friendly
- Paved
Trail Overview
This 6.5-mile Empire State Trail section through the City of Kingston has varied conditions. Two off-road paths welcome walkers and bicyclists of all abilities. Conversely, two connecting on-road sections are intended for experienced bicyclists comfortable traveling next to vehicle traffic. This section starts slightly south of Kingston, at a parking lot at the intersection of Route 32 and Rockwell Lane. Heading north, the first 2.5 miles are on-road, designated on Route 32 and city streets. The off-road Kingston Point Rail Trail starts at the intersection of West Chestnut St and Jansen Ave, looping east 1.5 miles to Roundout Landing. From there, a 1-mile on-road route is designated on the shoulders of East Strand St. The second 1.5-mile off-road path, named the Hudson River Brickyard Trail, runs from North Street to John Street in East Kingston.